Sunday, 30 December 2007
Magical Machu Picchu
Sunday, 23 December 2007
The Inca Trail - Day 3
Although a long day of trekking, the journey wasn't too arduous in an upwards sense. We climbed up to the third and final pass of the trail at Phuyupatamarca and along the way visited the ruins of the same name. Next followed about 4,000 Incan steps (accoring to the experts who I assume have counted them all...) down towards Winaywayna. Trudging downhill got pretty tiring after a while and all I wanted to do was arrive at the next stop. The old knees started to take a pounding and it was again that the sticks we bought on Day 1 came into play. Following the steps was a seemingly neverending downwards zig-zagging path that felt like it went on for hours. Finally we arrived at Winaywayna in time for lunch - a hearty feed of papas fritas (fries) and beef patties. I also splashed out on a bit of civilisation at this stage as I bought a coke and some popcorn which was a delght to the culinary senses.
Monday, 20 August 2007
The Inca Trail - Day 2

Just a quick note about Dead Woman's Pass. You can see from the photo below probably why it is called so. It's a dead woman lying down and this picture shows her breast, with the actual Pass just underneath her breast! The Pass is at 4.2 km above sea level and the view from the top is amazing. We managed to prove Miguel wrong by getting up there in 1 hour 40 minutes, and I was so pumped I even ran the last 40 metres or so. Simon and I were first up, closely followed by Sam, then Merryn and Mitzi. Actually we passed some of our porters on the way up, but I suppose they were carrying 40kgs worth of stuff!
The view from the top was amazing. The first two photos below shows the view back down towards our first campsite, where you can make out tents. The third photo looks out across the valley on the other side of the Pass. The fourth shows Merryn, Simon, Mitzi, myself and Sam with well rested lungs.